Tag Archives: Hurricane Sandy

RCIA, Who is Jesus Christ?

Today’s class followed our Journey of Faith lesson, Who is Jesus Christ? It was a powerful discussion, as Rosemarie prompted us to think about occasions in our lives where Jesus touched us or influenced our actions. The stories were often very emotional, as we looked at our lives and recognized how our definitions of Christ (e.g. peace, love, Father of History) permeated important moments.

The Journey of Faith lesson tells us that in Jesus’ day, “Christ was a mirror in whom people saw their true selves reflected. Some people did not like what they saw and so they hated him. Others, conversely, did not like what they saw, but this made them realize how desperately they needed him. It was these who gathered around jesus during his life on earth and formed the foundation of the Church after his resurrection.”

I believe that Christ remains a mirror. In class today, we all looked in a mirror and asked ourselves if we could see Christ in our reflection. Ultimately, that is the goal of RCIA. We want you to learn how to let Christ abide in you, and thus enable you to abide in his love. If you can establish a deep and loving relationship with Jesus, acts of faith that reflect his love will follow.

Many St. Patrick’s parishioners abide with Christ, and that is why on Nov. 10, we were able to fill and deliver a box truck full of assistance to Staten Island residents in need. This video shares with you some of these acts of faith.

At this time of year, as our hearts turn towards the warm memories of holidays past, and anticipation of the season to come, we ask that you think of those who have been in many cases wiped out, made homeless, pushed to the brink, by hurricane Sandy. Our faith calls us to love unconditionally and selflessly, especially those in need. Let’s keep these people in our hearts, prayers and plans for assistance.

A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.